For a the full version of our Local Rules see our Club Documents Page
The Redhawk Golfers Club has adopted the following Local Rules for all play, and when may adopt other Local Rules on a temporary basis. Refer to local rules posted at the Club Documents Page for more detail.
1) Out of Bounds : All perimeter fences define out of bounds, with the following additional conditions:
a) Hole #2: Maintenance facility behind green is OB, defined by fence line;
b) Hole #7: Nearest edge of drainage culvert to right on first half of hole defines OB;
c) Holes #9, 18: Driving range is OB;
d) Model Local Rule E-5 is in effect. When dropping from an OB, you may take a two-stroke penalty and drop it in the fairway (or in another location between the OB entry point and the point in the fairway) no closer to the hole from where it went ob.
e) A ball lying beyond the curb line of the hole being played or on any public road is OB.
2) Penalty Areas: Penalty areas may be defined by stakes and/or painted lines, but where stakes or lines do not exist the penalty area is defined by change of condition;
a) Hole #1, cart path wall along entire hole defines penalty area;
b) Holes #2, 3, 17 & 18: Penalty area along side of hole may not be marked along entire length. If no stakes are present, edge of creek defines penalty area;
c) Hole #13: Penalty area defined by wood pilings on right side of hole;
d) Hole #14: Penalty area to left of cart path along entire hole. The area between red stakes or edge of penalty area and perimeter wall is within the penalty area;
e) Holes #8 & 12: A drop zone is provided as an alternative when the ball is lost in the penalty area;
f) Boulders adjacent to lakes and streams are defined as being within the penalty area;
3) Hillside Penalty Areas: Hillsides (or portions of hillsides) with dense vegetation are considered penalty areas whether marked or not.
4) Waste Areas: Holes #4 (left side), 5, 6, 11 (left of cart path), 12: Waste areas are played as part of the general area. Use the rules for abnormal course conditions. If a player’s ball lands in a footprint, a hole, a tire track or any other imperfection etc. you may lift and place the ball at the nearest point of relief point without penalty, no closer to the hole.
Special Note:#12 - The area of the waste bunker between the cart path and the green where players walk to the green is considered an abnormal course condition. Free relief is given, no closer to the hole.
5) Flower Beds Near Tee Boxes and in Waste Areas: Played as ground under repair, MUST take relief. Exception: Waste area between #6 tee and #6 fairway has no flower beds.
6) Wood Pilings: All wood pilings outlining penalty areas (including bunkers) are deemed integral parts of the course. The ball must be played as it lies or deemed unplayable.
7) Boulders and Large Rocks Adjacent to Cart Paths: Defined as immovable obstructions. Free relief if the obstruction interferes with the player’s lie, stance and/or swing.
8) Exposed Tree Roots, Fallen Trees and Tree Stumps
a). In the general area where a tree root interferes with the lie of the player’s ball or the area of the player’s intended swing, relief without penalty may be taken;
b). If a fallen tree or tree stump in the general area interferes with your intended stance or area of intended swing, free relief to the nearest spot where the fallen tree or tree stump no longer interferes. Line of sight relief is not given.
9) Walkway Steps - Holes #4, 8: Defined as immovable obstructions.
10) Abnormal Course Conditions:
a). Hole #2 – drainage channel adjacent to cart part defined as part of the cart path;
b). Temporary piles of tree, bush or grass clippings, piles of dirt from green and fairway punching, maintenance work areas, whether marked or not, are defined as ground under repair. Relief MUST be taken, no closer to the hole;
c). Relief is allowed when the line of putt is over newly planted grass, newly laid sod, or sandy bare spots on the putting surface and fringe.
11) Aeration Holes and Cut Turf Seams: If a player’s ball lies in or touches an aeration hole or cut turf seam the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. No relief for stance only.
12) Accumulations of Loose Impediments: During play, any ground with temporary accumulations of leaves or aeration plugs in the general area or in a bunker is treated as ground under repair from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1. Relief is not available in penalty areas.
13) Coot Fences: Seasonal coot fences around greens are considered immovable obstructions. Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1, provided the ball is located in the general area and not in a penalty area. When a player’s ball is in a penalty area, the player does not get free relief from an immovable artificial object (see Rule 16.1a(2).
14) Lift, Clean, & Place (LCP aka, Winter Rules) - Will apply only when announced before teeing off.
Lift, Clean, & Place Definitions:
1) LCP, will apply to all areas of the course except bunkers, waste areas (holes, 5,6,12,13), and penalty areas. When in any of these 4 areas you must play the ball as it lies (aka, 'down')
2) When applicable, and if you desire, you can mark your ball, lift it, clean it, and place it no closer to the hole, within one club length of its original marked location.
3) Your ball is to be placed in the same course area as it was originally located. Rough, remains in the rough.
Fairway, remains in the fairway. Fringe, remains in the fringe.
4) Do not move your ball from the fairway or fringe to the rough, or the rough or fringe to the fairway.
5) Do not move your ball from the fringe or rough to the green.